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Get Yoyimbo

Go to the cavern of the stolen faith and you will encounter a dead summoner who calls Yojimbo. Beat him and continue on to the teleport pad. Choose to travel to the chamber of Fyth and Yojimbo will ask you why you seek his services. You must answer, "To defeat the most powerful of enemies."

Yojimbo will then ask 250,000 gil for his services. Offer him half of that amount but add one gil more. So if he asks 250,000 offer 125,001 instead. Then do the same until he asks 205,000. When he asks 205,000 offer 200,000 and he will most likely accept the offer. You can offer the full 205,000 gil to hire him for sure, but if you don't mind losing an extra 5,000 gil.

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